FAQs: Frequently asked questions

Where does my donation go?

The Swiss Red Cross is the recipient of all donations made on this platform. The Swiss Red Cross is certified by ZEWO (https://www.zewo.ch/en/), an independent foundation that provides a seal of approval to non-profit organizations in Switzerland that regularly submit proof that all donations are used economically, effectively and for the designated purpose. For additional questions, please contact our donor service at pf.service@redcross.ch

Will I receive a confirmation of my donation for taxes?

Yes! All donations made to the Swiss Red Cross are eligible for tax deduction within Switzerland. As long as you provide your address at the donation checkout process, we will automatically send you a donation confirmation in January.

Can I donate via a payment slip (Einzahlungsschein)?

Currently we can only receive electronic donations. In case you do not have a credit card, you can also make a donation via SMS or Paypal!

What happens when I reach my fundraising goal?

First thing's first - celebrate! Your campaign will continue until the end date and you can still raise funds. You also have the opportunity to edit the campaign by clicking on "Edit Action" in the upper right-hand corner (you have be logged in). There you can adjust your fundraising goal.

Is my data secure?

Your information is secure and managed according to the ZEWO guidelines. Payments are made via an encrypted connection. More details can be found here: https://www.redcross.ch/de/allgemeine-hinweise-impressum

Do you have another question?

Our donor services team is available to answer all your questions about ActNow Red Cross. You can reach them Mon-Fri from 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 16:60 (normal tariff) or via pf.service@redcross.ch

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