Update #7
6 years ago

Herzlichen Dank, Dagmar!!

Older updates
Why am I campaigning for Displaced persons
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” - Emma Lazarus.

I dedicate this b-day to those longing for peace, shelter, safety and security... a place to call home. This Christmas, help me reach my goal of raising CHF500 in Support of the great work that the Swiss Red Cross is doing for refugee communities at home and abroad. We all need to open our arms, give back and share some humanity.

Displaced persons

A rucksack, a shopping bag, even just the clothes on their backs. Millions of people have fled their homes. In such crises we have a vital role to play: protect people and their dignity and ensure their survival. Everywhere.

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14 donations received

CHF 30
Anonymous donor
6 years ago
CHF 20
Dagmar Wurzbacher
«häppi börsdai»
6 years ago
CHF 25
Annika Zimmerli
6 years ago
Patricia Buss
6 years ago
CHF 20
Kristina Hermann
«Liebe Mischa, Eure Arbeit ist wirklich inspirierend. Alles Gute für die Zukunft!»
6 years ago
Anonymous donor
6 years ago
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