Update #1
6 years ago

Bald schon ist es wieder an der Zeit meinen Geburtstag zu feiern. Dieses Jahr wünsche ich mir etwas ganz spezielles. Ich wünsche mir das Sehvermögen für einer Person zurück. Dazu sind nur 50 CHF nötig....

Why am I campaigning for The gift of eyesight
I want to dedicate my birthday to people who have lost their eyesight. Surgery, treatment and prevention can help to restore the sight of children and adults in Asia and Africa. The Swiss Red Cross trains local experts so that people can be helped to live a self-determined life in the long term. Support me and the Swiss Red Cross with its live-changing Project ,,Augenlicht''.

The gift of eyesight

Poverty doesn't need to cause blindness. A minor operation can change a life. Just 50 francs an eye frees people in Africa and Asia from the devastating burden of cataracts.

Read more

3 donations received

CHF 35
Andrea Mauchle
6 years ago
CHF 20
céline bekkering
6 years ago
CHF 15
I Am Batman
6 years ago
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